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Migration from v6 to v7

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Date and Time Pickers from v6 to v7.


This is a reference guide for upgrading @mui/x-date-pickers from v6 to v7. To read more about the changes from the new major, check out the blog post about the release of MUI X v7.

Start using the new release

In package.json, change the version of the date pickers package to ^7.0.0.

-"@mui/x-date-pickers": "^6.0.0",
+"@mui/x-date-pickers": "^7.0.0",

Since v7 is a major release, it contains changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improved stability and to make room for new features. Described below are the steps needed to migrate from v6 to v7.

Update @mui/material package

To have the option of using the latest API from @mui/material, the package peer dependency version has been updated to ^5.15.14. It is a change in minor version only, so it should not cause any breaking changes. Please update your @mui/material package to this or a newer version.

Update the license package

If you're using the commercial version of the Pickers (Pro plan), you need to update the import path:

-import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-license-pro';
+import { LicenseInfo } from '@mui/x-license';

If you have @mui/x-license-pro in the dependencies section of your package.json, rename and update the license package to the latest version:

-"@mui/x-license-pro": ^6.0.0",
+"@mui/x-license": "^7.0.0",

Run codemods

The preset-safe codemod will automatically adjust the bulk of your code to account for breaking changes in v7. You can run v7.0.0/pickers/preset-safe targeting only Date and Time Pickers or v7.0.0/preset-safe to target other MUI X components like the Data Grid as well.

You can either run it on a specific file, folder, or your entire codebase when choosing the <path> argument.

# Date and Time Pickers specific
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v7.0.0/pickers/preset-safe <path>

# Target other MUI X components as well
npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v7.0.0/preset-safe <path>

Breaking changes that are handled by this codemod are denoted by a ✅ emoji in the table of contents on the right side of the screen.

If you have already applied the v7.0.0/pickers/preset-safe (or v7.0.0/preset-safe) codemod, then you should not need to take any further action on these items.

All other changes must be handled manually.

Breaking changes

Since v7 is a major release, it contains some changes that affect the public API. These changes were done for consistency, improve stability and make room for new features.

Drop the legacy bundle

The support for IE 11 has been removed from all MUI X packages. The legacy bundle that used to support old browsers like IE 11 is no longer included.

Drop webpack 4 support

Dropping old browsers support also means that we no longer transpile some features that are natively supported by modern browsers – like Nullish Coalescing and Optional Chaining.

These features are not supported by webpack 4, so if you are using webpack 4, you will need to transpile these features yourself or upgrade to webpack 5.

Here is an example of how you can transpile these features on webpack 4 using the @babel/preset-env preset:

 // webpack.config.js

 module.exports = (env) => ({
   // ...
   module: {
     rules: [
         test: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
-        exclude: /node_modules/,
+        exclude: [
+          {
+            test: path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
+            exclude: [
+              // Covers @mui/x-date-pickers and @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
+              path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@mui/x-date-pickers'),
+              path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@mui/x-license'),
+            ],
+          },
+        ],

Component slots

Rename components to slots

The components and componentsProps props are renamed to slots and slotProps props respectively. This is a slow and ongoing effort between all the different libraries maintained by MUI. To smooth the transition, they were deprecated during the v6. And are removed from the v7.

If not already done, this modification can be handled by the codemod

npx @mui/x-codemod@latest v7.0.0/pickers/ <path>

Take a look at the RFC for more information.

✅ Rename slots types

The slot interfaces have been renamed to match with @mui/base naming convention. Suffix SlotsComponent is replaced by Slots and SlotsComponentsProps is replaced by SlotProps. If you are not relying on the codemod, consider checking all the renamed types in this file. Here is an example on the DateCalendar typing.


Add new parameters to the shortcuts slot onChange callback

The onChange callback fired when selecting a shortcut now requires two new parameters (previously they were optional):

  • The changeImportance of the shortcut.
  • The item containing the entire shortcut object.
 const CustomShortcuts = (props) => {
   return (
       { => {
         const value = item.getValue({ isValid: props.isValid });
         return (
-            onClick={() => onChange(value)}
+            onClick={() => onChange(value, props.changeImportance ?? 'accept', item)}

 <DatePicker slots={{ shortcuts: CustomShortcuts }} />

Change the imports of the calendarHeader slot

The imports related to the calendarHeader slot have been moved from @mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar to @mui/x-date-pickers/PickersCalendarHeader:

 export {
-} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar';
+} from '@mui/x-date-pickers/PickersCalendarHeader';

Removed props

Replace shouldDisableClock with shouldDisableTime

The deprecated shouldDisableClock prop has been removed in favor of the more flexible shouldDisableTime prop. The shouldDisableClock prop received value as a number of hours, minutes, or seconds. Instead, the shouldDisableTime prop receives the date object (based on the used adapter). You can read more about the deprecation of this prop in v6 migration guide.

-  shouldDisableClock={(timeValue, view) => view === 'hours' && timeValue < 12}
+  shouldDisableTime={(value, view) => view === 'hours' && value.hour() < 12}

✅ Replace defaultCalendarMonth with referenceDate

The deprecated defaultCalendarMonth prop has been removed in favor of the more flexible referenceDate prop.

-<DateCalendar defaultCalendarMonth={dayjs('2022-04-01')};
+<DateCalendar referenceDate={dayjs('2022-04-01')} />

Modified props

Remove the string argument of the dayOfWeekFormatter prop

The string argument of the dayOfWeekFormatter prop has been replaced in favor of the date object to allow more flexibility.

   // If you were still using the day string, you can get it back with your date library.
-  dayOfWeekFormatter={dayStr => `${dayStr}.`}
+  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}

   // If you were already using the day object, just remove the first argument.
-  dayOfWeekFormatter={(_dayStr, day) => `${day.format('dd')}.`
+  dayOfWeekFormatter={day => `${day.format('dd')}.`}

All the date-related props are now strictly typed to only accept the date format supported by your adapter (Date object for date-fns, daysjs.Dayjs object for days-js, etc.).

Field components

Update the format of selectedSections

The selectedSections prop no longer accepts start and end indexes. When selecting several — but not all — sections, the field components were not behaving correctly, you can now only select one or all sections:

-  selectedSections={{ startIndex: 0, endIndex: 0 }}
+  selectedSections={0}

   // If the field has 3 sections
-  selectedSections={{ startIndex: 0, endIndex: 2 }}
+  selectedSections="all"

Replace the section hasLeadingZeros property

The property hasLeadingZeros has been removed from the sections in favor of the more precise hasLeadingZerosInFormat and hasLeadingZerosInInput properties. To keep the same behavior, you can replace it by hasLeadingZerosInFormat

 const fieldRef = React.useRef<FieldRef<FieldSection>>(null);

 React.useEffect(() => {
   const firstSection = fieldRef.current!.getSections()[0];
-  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZeros);
+  console.log(firstSection.hasLeadingZerosInFormat);
 }, []);

 return <DateField unstableFieldRef={fieldRef} />;

Headless fields

Move inputRef inside the props passed to the hook

The field hooks now only receive the props instead of an object containing both the props and the inputRef.

-const { inputRef, ...otherProps } = props
-const fieldResponse = useDateField({ props: otherProps, inputRef });
+const fieldResponse = useDateField(props);

If you are using a multi input range field hook, the same applies to startInputRef and endInputRef params

- const { inputRef: startInputRef, ...otherStartTextFieldProps } = startTextFieldProps
- const { inputRef: endInputRef, ...otherEndTextFieldProps } = endTextFieldProps

  const fieldResponse = useMultiInputDateRangeField({
-   startTextFieldProps: otherStartTextFieldProps,
-   endTextFieldProps: otherEndTextFieldProps,
-   startInputRef
-   endInputRef,
+   startTextFieldProps,
+   endTextFieldProps

Rename the ref returned by the hook to inputRef

When used with the v6 TextField approach (where the input is an <input /> HTML element), the field hooks return a ref that needs to be passed to the <input /> element. This ref was previously named ref and has been renamed inputRef for extra clarity.

  const fieldResponse = useDateField(props);

- return <input ref={fieldResponse.ref} />
+ return <input ref={fieldResponse.inputRef} />

If you are using a multi input range field hook, the same applies to the ref in the startDate and endDate objects

  const fieldResponse = useDateField(props);

  return (
-     <input ref={fieldResponse.startDate.ref} />
+     <input ref={fieldResponse.startDate.inputRef} />
-     <input ref={fieldResponse.endDate.ref} />
+     <input ref={fieldResponse.endDate.inputRef} />

Restructure the API of useClearableField

The useClearableField hook API has been simplified to now take a props parameter instead of a fieldProps, InputProps, clearable, onClear, slots and slotProps parameters.

You should now be able to directly pass the returned value from your field hook (e.g: useDateField) to useClearableField

  const fieldResponse = useDateField(props);

- const { InputProps, onClear, clearable, slots, slotProps, ...otherFieldProps } = fieldResponse
- const { InputProps: ProcessedInputProps, fieldProps: processedFieldProps } = useClearableField({
-   fieldProps: otherFieldProps,
-   InputProps,
-   clearable,
-   onClear,
-   slots,
-   slotProps,
- });
-  return <MyCustomTextField {...processedFieldProps} InputProps={ProcessedInputProps} />

+ const processedFieldProps = useClearableField(fieldResponse);
+ return <MyCustomTextField {...processedFieldProps} />

Do not forward the enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure prop to the DOM

The headless field hooks (e.g.: useDateField) now return a new prop called enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure. This is used to know if the current UI expected is built using the accessible DOM structure or not.

When building a custom UI, you are most-likely only supporting one DOM structure, so you can remove enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure before it is passed to the DOM:

  function MyCustomTextField(props) {
    const {
+     // Should be ignored
+     enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure,

      // ... rest of the props you are using

    return ( /* Some UI to edit the date */ )

  function MyCustomField(props) {
    const fieldResponse = useDateField<Dayjs, false, typeof textFieldProps>({
+     // If you only support one DOM structure, we advise you to hardcode it
+     // here to avoid unwanted switches in your application.
+     enableAccessibleFieldDOMStructure: false,

    return <MyCustomTextField ref={ref} {...fieldResponse} />;

  function App() {
    return <DatePicker slots={{ field: MyCustomField }} />;

Date management

Use localized week with luxon

The AdapterLuxon now uses the localized week when Luxon v3.4.4 or higher is installed. This improvement aligns AdapterLuxon with the behavior of other adapters.

If you want to keep the start of the week on Monday even if your locale says otherwise. You can hardcode the week settings as follows:

import { Settings, Info } from 'luxon';

Settings.defaultWeekSettings = {
  firstDay: 1,
  minimalDays: Info.getMinimumDaysInFirstWeek(),
  weekend: Info.getWeekendWeekdays(),

Remove the monthAndYear format

The monthAndYear format has been removed. It was used in the header of the calendar views. You can replace it with the new format prop of the calendarHeader slot:

-  formats={{ monthAndYear: 'MM/YYYY' }}
+    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
+    slotProps={{ calendarHeader: { format: 'MM/YYYY' }}}
 <LocalizationProvider />

Renamed variables

✅ Rename the dayPickerClasses variable to dayCalendarClasses

The dayPickerClasses variable has been renamed dayCalendarClasses to be consistent with the new name of the DayCalendar component introduced in v6.0.0.

-import { dayPickerClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar';
+import { dayCalendarClasses } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateCalendar';

Usage with Day.js

Use UTC with the Day.js adapter

The dateLibInstance prop of LocalizationProvider does not work with AdapterDayjs anymore. This prop was used to set the pickers in UTC mode before the implementation of a proper timezone support in the components.

 // When a `value` or a `defaultValue` is provided
-  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
   <DatePicker value={dayjs.utc('2022-04-17')} />

 // When no `value` or `defaultValue` is provided
-  dateLibInstance={dayjs.utc}
-  <DatePicker />
+  <DatePicker timezone="UTC" />

Usage with customParseFormat

The call to dayjs.extend(customParseFormatPlugin) has been moved to the AdapterDayjs constructor. This allows users to pass custom options to this plugin before the adapter uses it.

If you are using this plugin before the rendering of the first LocalizationProvider component and did not call dayjs.extend in your own codebase, you will need to manually extend dayjs:

import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import customParseFormatPlugin from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat';


The other plugins are still added before the adapter initialization.

Remove root level locales export

The locales export has been removed from the root of the packages. In an effort to reduce the bundle size, the locales are now only available from the @mui/x-date-pickers/locales or @mui/x-date-pickers-pro/locales paths. If you were still relying on the root level export, please update your code.

Before v7, it was possible to import locales from the package root (that is import { frFR } from '@mui/x-date-pickers').

-import { frFR } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
+import { frFR } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/locales';

Remove dateTimeViewRenderers export

The dateTimeViewRenderers export has been removed in favor of reusing existing time view renderers (renderTimeViewClock, renderDigitalClockTimeView and renderMultiSectionDigitalClockTimeView) and date view renderer (renderDateViewCalendar) to render the DesktopDateTimePicker.

If you were relying on this import, you can refer to the implementation of the DesktopDateTimePicker to see how to combine the renderers yourself.

Adapters internal changes

Removed methods

Show breaking changes

Remove the dateWithTimezone method

The dateWithTimezone method has been removed and its content has been moved the date method. You can use the date method instead:

-adapter.dateWithTimezone(undefined, 'system');, 'system');

Remove the getDiff method

The getDiff method has been removed. You can directly use your date library:

 // For Day.js
-const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
+const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);

 // For Luxon
-const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
+const getDiff = (value: DateTime, comparing: DateTime | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
+  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string'
+    ? DateTime.fromJSDate(new Date(comparing))
+    : comparing;
+  if (unit) {
+    return Math.floor(value.diff(comparing).as(unit));
+  }
+  return value.diff(comparing).as('millisecond');
+const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);

 // For DateFns
-const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
+const getDiff = (value: Date, comparing: Date | string, unit?: AdapterUnits) => {
+  const parsedComparing = typeof comparing === 'string' ? new Date(comparing) : comparing;
+  switch (unit) {
+    case 'years':
+      return dateFns.differenceInYears(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'quarters':
+      return dateFns.differenceInQuarters(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'months':
+      return dateFns.differenceInMonths(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'weeks':
+      return dateFns.differenceInWeeks(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'days':
+      return dateFns.differenceInDays(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'hours':
+      return dateFns.differenceInHours(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'minutes':
+      return dateFns.differenceInMinutes(value, parsedComparing);
+    case 'seconds':
+      return dateFns.differenceInSeconds(value, parsedComparing);
+    default: {
+      return dateFns.differenceInMilliseconds(value, parsedComparing);
+    }
+  }
+const diff = getDiff(value, comparing, unit);

 // For Moment
-const diff = adapter.getDiff(value, comparing, unit);
+const diff = value.diff(comparing, unit);

Remove the getFormatHelperText method

The getFormatHelperText method has been removed. You can use the expandFormat instead:

-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format);

And if you need the exact same output. You can apply the following transformation:

 // For Day.js
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Luxon
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For DateFns
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/(aaa|aa|a)/g, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

 // For Moment
-const expandedFormat = adapter.getFormatHelperText(format);
+const expandedFormat = adapter.expandFormat(format).replace(/a/gi, '(a|p)m').toLocaleLowerCase();

Remove the getMeridiemText method

The getMeridiemText method has been removed. You can use the setHours, date and format methods to recreate its behavior:

-const meridiem = adapter.getMeridiemText('am');
+const getMeridiemText = (meridiem: 'am' | 'pm') => {
+  const date = adapter.setHours(!, meridiem === 'am' ? 2 : 14);
+  return utils.format(date, 'meridiem');
+const meridiem = getMeridiemText('am');

Remove the getMonthArray method

The getMonthArray method has been removed. You can use the startOfYear and addMonths methods to recreate its behavior:

-const monthArray = adapter.getMonthArray(value);
+const getMonthArray = (year) => {
+  const firstMonth = utils.startOfYear(year);
+  const months = [firstMonth];
+  while (months.length < 12) {
+    const prevMonth = months[months.length - 1];
+    months.push(utils.addMonths(prevMonth, 1));
+  }
+  return months;
+const monthArray = getMonthArray(value);

Remove the getNextMonth method

The getNextMonth method has been removed. You can use the addMonths method instead:

-const nextMonth = adapter.getNextMonth(value);
+const nextMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, 1);

Remove the getPreviousMonth method

The getPreviousMonth method has been removed. You can use the addMonths method instead:

-const previousMonth = adapter.getPreviousMonth(value);
+const previousMonth = adapter.addMonths(value, -1);

Remove the getWeekdays method

The getWeekdays method has been removed. You can use the startOfWeek and addDays methods instead:

-const weekDays = adapter.getWeekdays(value);
+const getWeekdays = (value) => {
+  const start = adapter.startOfWeek(value);
+  return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map((diff) => utils.addDays(start, diff));
+const weekDays = getWeekdays(value);

Remove the isNull method

The isNull method has been removed. You can replace it with a very basic check:

-const isNull = adapter.isNull(value);
+const isNull = value === null;

Remove the mergeDateAndTime method

The mergeDateAndTime method has been removed. You can use the setHours, setMinutes, and setSeconds methods to recreate its behavior:

-const result = adapter.mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);
+const mergeDateAndTime = <TDate>(
+   dateParam,
+   timeParam,
+ ) => {
+   let mergedDate = dateParam;
+   mergedDate = utils.setHours(mergedDate, utils.getHours(timeParam));
+   mergedDate = utils.setMinutes(mergedDate, utils.getMinutes(timeParam));
+   mergedDate = utils.setSeconds(mergedDate, utils.getSeconds(timeParam));
+   return mergedDate;
+ };
+const result = mergeDateAndTime(valueWithDate, valueWithTime);

Remove the parseISO method

The parseISO method has been removed. You can directly use your date library:

 // For Day.js
-const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
+const value = dayjs(isoString);

 // For Luxon
-const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
+const value = DateTime.fromISO(isoString);

 // For DateFns
-const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
+const value = dateFns.parseISO(isoString);

 // For Moment
-const value = adapter.parseISO(isoString);
+const value = moment(isoString, true);

Remove the toISO method

The toISO method has been removed. You can directly use your date library:

 // For Day.js
-const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
+const isoString = value.toISOString();

 // For Luxon
-const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
+const isoString = value.toUTC().toISO({ format: 'extended' });

 // For DateFns
-const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
+const isoString = dateFns.formatISO(value, { format: 'extended' });

 // For Moment
-const isoString = adapter.toISO(value);
+const isoString = value.toISOString();

The getYearRange method used to accept two params and now accepts a tuple to be consistent with the isWithinRange method:

-adapter.getYearRange(start, end);
+adapter.getYearRange([start, end])

Modified methods

Show breaking changes

Restrict the input format of the date method

The date method now have the behavior of the v6 dateWithTimezone method. It no longer accept any as a value but only string | null | undefined Date());; Date('2022-04-17');'2022-04-17'); Date(2022, 3, 17, 4, 5, 34));'2022-04-17T04:05:34'); Date('Invalid Date'));

Restrict the input format of the isEqual method

The isEqual method used to accept any type of value for its two input and tried to parse them before checking if they were equal. The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null (ie: the same formats used by the value prop in the pickers)

 const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
 const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
 const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
 const adapterMoment = new AdapterMoment();

 // Supported formats
 const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(null, null); // Same for the other adapters
 const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));
 const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));
 const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));

 // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
-const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs(), dayjs('2022-04-17'));

-const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(, DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));

-const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(new Date(), new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment(), moment('2022-04-17'));

 // Non-supported formats (string)
-const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
+const isEqual = adapterDayjs.isEqual(dayjs('2022-04-17'), dayjs('2022-04-17'));

-const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
+const isEqual = adapterLuxon.isEqual(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'), DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));

-const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
+const isEqual = adapterMoment.isEqual(moment('2022-04-17'), moment('2022-04-17'));

-const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual('2022-04-16', '2022-04-17');
+const isEqual = adapterDateFns.isEqual(new Date('2022-04-17'), new Date('2022-04-17'));

Restrict the input format of the isValid method

The isValid method used to accept any type of value and tried to parse them before checking their validity. The method has been simplified and now only accepts an already-parsed date or null. Which is the same type as the one accepted by the components value prop.

 const adapterDayjs = new AdapterDayjs();
 const adapterLuxon = new AdapterLuxon();
 const adapterDateFns = new AdapterDateFns();
 const adapterMoment = new AdapterMoment();

 // Supported formats
 const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(null); // Same for the other adapters
 const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(;
 const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment());
 const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date());

 // Non-supported formats (JS Date)
-const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));

-const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));

-const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));
+const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));

 // Non-supported formats (string)
-const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid('2022-04-17');
+const isValid = adapterDayjs.isValid(dayjs('2022-04-17'));

-const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid('2022-04-17');
+const isValid = adapterLuxon.isValid(DateTime.fromISO('2022-04-17'));

-const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid('2022-04-17');
+const isValid = adapterMoment.isValid(moment('2022-04-17'));

-const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid('2022-04-17');
+const isValid = adapterDateFns.isValid(new Date('2022-04-17'));

Removed internal types

The following internal types were exported by mistake and have been removed from the public API:

  • UseDateFieldDefaultizedProps
  • UseTimeFieldDefaultizedProps
  • UseDateTimeFieldDefaultizedProps
  • UseSingleInputDateRangeFieldComponentProps
  • UseSingleInputTimeRangeFieldComponentProps
  • UseSingleInputDateTimeRangeFieldComponentProps